Latino Arts & Media Speaker Series

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Latino Media Arts and Studies Speaker Series

The Latino Media Arts and Studies (L-MAS) Speaker Series is coordinated by faculty in Radio-Television Film, with support from RTF, the Moody College, and other campus partners. It has a three-fold mission: to support the growth of Latina/o/x film, television, and media, to inspire student media makers and scholars, and to foster Latina/o/x media studies scholarship. 

The L-MAS Speaker Series shares a mission with the Latino Media Arts & Studies undergraduate minor, which enables students to take a range of courses of Latina/o/x cultures, media production, and scholarship . With an overlapping focus, the series hosts a range of media makers, screenwriters and scholars who share their work and personal stories of working in and studying Latinx media storytelling.

Previous Speaker Series events

Latino Media Arts & Studies hosted Maria Hinojosa, anchor and executive producer of NPR's Latino USA.