RTF at SXSW 2022

The 2022 SXSW Film Festival is back in person this year. Because of the Covid-19 global pandemic, the last time the streets of Austin were filled with spring festival-goers was 2019, three years ago. Yet, during this challenging period, our students, alumni, and faculty have continued to make excellent films and critically analyze the media we consume.

2022 UT RTF Longhorn Denius Student Film Showcase at SXSW

The Department of Radio-Television-Film (UT RTF) is thrilled to announce that a screening of the 2022 UT RTF Longhorn Denius Student Film Showcase will be held in person, and after the past two years of pandemic-related disruptions, will be featured again as part of the SXSW Film Festival community programming.

These fiction and documentary shorts, which were completed under the extraordinary challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, represent some of this past year's best student work.

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