Faculty Books

Jack Benny’s Lost Radio Broadcasts - Volume Three: October 30, 1932 – January 26, 1933
Kathryn Fuller-Seeley, Editor, 2024

Latino TV: A History
Mary Beltrán, 2022

The American Comic Book Industry and Hollywood
Alisa Perren, co-authored with Gregory Steirer, 2021

Billy Wilder on Assignment: Dispatches from Weimar Berlin and Interwar Vienna
Noah Isenberg, edited with intro, 2021

Cinemas Dark and Slow in Digital India
Lalitha Gopalan, 2021

Fake Geek Girls—Fandom, Gender, and the Convergence Culture Industry
Suzanne Scott, 2019

The Routledge Companion to Media Fandom
Suzanne Scott, co-edited with Melissa A. Click, 2017

Jack Benny and the Golden Era of American Radio Comedy
Kathryn Fuller-Seeley, 2017

Queercore: Queer Punk Media Subculture
Curran Nault, 2017

Media Industries: Perspectives on an Evolving Field
Alisa Perren, co-edited with Amelia Arsenault, 2016

The Classical Mexican Cinema: The Poetics of the Exceptional Golden Age Films
Charles Ramírez Berg, edited by Tom Schatz, 2015

Virtual Homelands: Indian Immigrants and Online Cultures in the United States
Madhavi Mallapragada, 2014

Indie, Inc.: Miramax and the Transformation of Hollywood in the 1990s
Alisa Perren, 2013

Edgar G. Ulmer: A Filmmaker at the Margins
Noah Isenberg, 2014

One Thousand Nights at the Movies: An Illustrated History of Motion Pictures, 1895-1915
Kathryn Fuller-Seeley, 2013

Saving Cinema: The Politics of Preservation
Caroline Frick, 2011

The Cinema of India
Lalitha Gopalan, 2010

Political Emotions: New Agenda in Communications
Janet Staiger, co-edited with Ann Cvetkovich and Ann Reynolds, 2010

Convergence Media History
Janet Staiger, co-edited with Sabine Hake, 2009

Media Industries: History, Theory, and Method
Alisa Perren, co-edited with Jennifer Holt, 2009

Latina/o Stars in U.S. Eyes: The Making and Meanings of Film and TV Stardom
Mary Beltrán, 2009

Weimar Cinema: An Essential Guide to Classic Films of the Era
Noah Isenberg, 2009

Hollywood in the Neighborhood: Historical Case Studies of Local Moviegoing
Kathy Fuller-Seeley, ed., 2008

Mixed Race Hollywood
Mary Beltrán, 2008

Noah Isenberg, 2008

Lalitha Gopalan, 2005

Gandhi Meets Primetime: Globalization in Indian Television
Shanti Kumar, 2005

Media Reception Studies
Janet Staiger, 2005

Cinema of Interruptions: Action Genres in Contemporary Indian Cinema
Lalitha Gopalan, 2003

Latino Images in Film: Stereotypes, Subversion, and Resistance
Charles Ramírez Berg, 2002

Authorship and Film
Janet Staiger, co-edited with David A. Gerstner, 2002

Poster Art from the Golden Age of Mexican Cinema, 1936-1957
Charles Ramírez Berg, 2001

Blockbuster TV: Must-See Sitcoms in the Network Era
Janet Staiger, 2000

Perverse Spectators: The Practices of Film Reception
Janet Staiger, 2000

Boom and Bust: American Cinema in the 1940s
Thomas Schatz, 1997

At the Picture Show: Small Town Audiences and the Creation of Movie Fan Culture
Kathryn Fuller, 1996

Children and the Movies: Media Influence and the Payne Fund Controversy
Kathryn Fuller, co-authored with Garth Jowett and Ian Jarvie, 1996

Bad Women: Regulating Sexuality in Early American Cinema, 1907-1915
Janet Staiger, 1995

The Studio System
Janet Staiger, Editor, 1995

Cinema of Solitude: A Critical Study of Mexican Film, 1967-1983
Charles Ramírez Berg, 1992

Interpreting Films: Studies in the Historical Reception of American Cinema
Janet Staiger, 1992

The Genius of the System: Hollywood Filmmaking in the Studio Era
Thomas Schatz, 1988

The Classical Hollywood Cinema: Film Style and Mode of Production to 1960
Janet Staiger, co-authored with David Bordwell, Kristin Thompson, 1985

Old Hollywood/New Hollywood: Ritual, Art, and Industry
Thomas Schatz, 1983

Hollywood Genres: Formulas, Filmmaking, and the Studio System
Thomas Schatz, 1981