RTF at SCMS 2015
For film, television, and media scholars, the annual conference hosted by the Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) is one of the biggest scholarly events of the year. This year in Montreal, Canada, RTF faculty, students and alumni will present their latest research, engage in critical dialogues on media studies topics, and network with regarded cinema and media scholars from around the world.
On Friday, March 27th, faculty, students, alumni and friends are invited to attend the 3rd annual "Back to the Ranch" UT Austin SCMS reunion party. The reception will be held in Room Saint-Francois (Lobby Level) at the conference venue —the Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth—from 9:30 – 11:15 pm.
UT RTF Scholars Participating in 2015 SCMS Conference (partial list)
Mary Beltrán
- N7: Producing New Latinidades
- "'Soy Fabulosa, Hermosa': New Latina Complexity and Production Modes in East Los High and Mosquita y Mar""
Caroline Frick
- I19: Independence in 'American' Television: Rethinking Independents across Television, Web Series, and Games
- "'Seldom Used and of Doubtful Value': Rebranding Local Television as Independent"
Kathy Fuller-Seeley
- R7: Humor Across Media in the 1920s and 1930s
- "Becoming Benny: Jack Benny’s Production of a Radio Comedy Persona, 1932-1936"
- P21: Broadcasting History, Misremembrance, and the Archival Record (Respondent)
Lalitha Gopalan
- P13: Spatializing Time: Experiments across Genre in Narrativizing the Self/Other
- "Homebound: Shumona Goel’s Family Tree"
Alisa Perren
- I19: Independence in 'American' Television: Rethinking Independents across Television, Web Series, and Games
- "Same Word, Different Medium: Indie TV in the 2000s"
- P19: WORKSHOP ABD, A.N.D.?: Graduate Student Professional Development
Thomas Schatz
- L7: The Logic of the Franchise – Managing Media Content in the Digital Economy
- "Movie Franchises and Theme Parks: The New Cinema of Attractions"
Suzanne Scott
- J4: We’re Not Third Wave Just Yet: Reconsidering the Place of Identity and Fandom in 21st Century Fan Studies
- "The Powers that Squee: The Intersectional Significance of Orlando Jones"
Joseph Straubhaar
- D1: “Plugged In: Brazilian Television Fiction and Reflections on Recent Social, Political and Economic Transformations”
- "The Political Economy of Race, Class, and Favela Depictions in Brazilian Telenovelas"
Tupur Chatterjee
- J15: Indian Cinema Halls and Their Audiences: From Single Screens to Multiplexes
- "A 'New Bollywood' for New Spaces: Notes on Female Spectators in Urban India"
Eliot Chayt
- U10: Style and Seriality
- "I Keep Things Even, Separate": Moderation and Excess in True Detective"
Alexander Cho
- D2: Queer Media Affect: Locations and Mobilities of Feeling
- "Liberté, Égalité, Beyoncé”: Queer Youth of Color and Territories of Insurgence"
Laura Felschow
- B6: Trending Transnational: Insights from the Marketplace
- "The Mouse in the Bullpen: Disney, Marvel, and Globalizing the Superhero Blockbuster"
Charlotte Howell
- D11: Music Screens, Music Stars, Music Scenes
- "Symbolic Capital and Cable Access: Production Discourse of The American Music Show"
Peter Kunze
- R1: Irony in Film and Media
"Only Connect: Louis C.K., Digital Authorship, and the Post-Ironic Sincerity"
- M13: Pragmatics of Humour : Television Comedy in the Age of Connected Viewing (Respondent)
Amanda Landa
- S7: Institutions and Media Transformation
- "Delinquents, Yankis, and Banchos: Genre and Contemporary Industry Practices in Japan"
Anne Major
- D21: Informal Media Networks in a Global Context
- "Nollywood’s Online Video Distribution: An Analysis of iROKOtv"
Alfred Martin
- U8: Marketing the Brand and the Bodies: Case Studies of Problemic Reception
- "Illegible Blackness: The Wiz, Historical Reception, and Discourses of Cinematic Failure"
Colleen Montgomery
- F2: Local Culture, Global Flows: Translating Screen Media for Domestic Markets
- "Dubbing Mr. Potato Head: Vocal Performance in the French-Language Versions of Pixar Animated Features"
Paul Monticone
- B3: Committee Work: Studio-era Trade Organizations and Service Committee
- "'For the Maintenance of the System': Institutional and Cultural Change within the MPPDA"
Michael O'Brien
- B2: Black Director, Black Audiences
- "Black Cinema or Blaxploitation?: Robert Beck, Urban Crime Fiction, and African American Film Adaptations of the 1970s"
Morgan O'Brien
- E14: Media Imaging and/as Productive Pedagogies
- "Griefing, Grokking, and Unethical Behavior: The Limits of Meaningful Play in EVE Online"
Jacqueline Pinkowitz
- A7: American History/American Cinema
- "The Degenerate South: The Popularity and Scapegoating of Southern Gothic Films"
Timothy Piper
- A14: Way Over the Top: Kayfabe and Consumption in the WWE Universe
- "The Domestic Menace vs. the Rugged Individualist: Reconstituting Whiteness through the Cultural, Political, and WWE Championship Discourse of the Late Nineties"
Michael Rennett
- C6: Celebrity: Performances and Persona
- "No More Mr. Nice Guy: Joseph Gordon-Levitt's Feminist Deconstruction of the ‘Nice Guy’ Character"
Suzanne Schulz
- J15: Indian Cinema Halls and Their Audiences: From Single Screens to Multiplexes
- "On the Uses of Photography for Indian Film History: Reading Traces of Cinema Crowds"
Hector Amaya (PhD)
H6: Politics of the Image II: The Politics of Aesthetics
"Bloody Blogs: Visuality and Violence beyond Politics"
Drew Ayers (MA)
J24: Inhuman Bodies
"Digital Swarms, Composite Images, and the Posthumanity of Visual Effects"
Kyle Barnett (PhD)
P10: Historicizing Music and Transmedia
"Popular Music Celebrity, Jazz-Age Media Convergence, and Depression-Era Transmedia"
Morgan Blue (PhD)
- M2: She Bop on Screen: Girls, Popular Music, and Visual Media
- "Disney Channel’s Pop Girlhood"
Maria Boyd (MA)
E6: Franchise Building and Management in a Multi-Platform Universe
"Kevin Feige: Marvel’s Franchise Management Superhero"
Kevin Bozelka (PhD)
P10: Historicizing Music and Transmedia
"Everything on the Pig But the Squeal: Artist/Publishers and Recordings in the Post-WWII American Entertainment Industry"
Shu Ching Chan (PhD)
- J22: New Directions in Distribution Studies: Global Hollywood Revisited
- “Producers of Taiwan Cinema in the International Marketplace”
Courtney Brannon Donoghue (PhD)
E21: WORKSHOP Locating “the Cultural” in Media Distribution Studies
K21: Pipelines and Palacios: New Directions in Global Hollywood Research for Distribution and Exhibition
"'I Am Just a Distributor': Local Hollywood and the Intermediary Position of General Manager"
Kyle Edwards (PhD)
H22: Excess Hollywood: Economies of Waste in Media Industries
"'A New Morality': Industrial Efficiency and Waste Management in Classical Hollywood"
Evan Elkins (MA)
Q15: Global Television in Demand: Audiences, Access, and Availability across Borders
"Hulu, Geoblocking, and Hybridity in Streaming Television"
Joshua Gleich (PhD)
I15: Histories of the Film Office: Urban Policy and Industrial Change
"Mayor Alioto and the San Francisco Production Boom, 1967-1974"
Hollis Griffin (MA)
A19: WORKSHOP Teaching about Identity in the Context of the "Post-"
D2: Queer Media Affect: Locations and Mobilities of Feeling
"Affective Networks in Tales of the City"
Ben Harris (MA)
J22: New Directions in Distribution Studies: Global Hollywood Revisited
"Constantin Film and the Distribution of 'Hollywood' in Germany"
Jennifer Holt (MA)
E21: WORKSHOP Locating “the Cultural” in Media Distribution Studies
Kit Hughes (MA)
R4: From the Mall to the Museum: History/Media/Space
"Wired for Business: Closed-Circuit Television and the Shifting Spaces of Industrial Work"
Jessalynn Keller (PhD)
F3: Emergent Feminisms and the Challenge to Postfeminist Media Culture
"From 'Fading Away' to Your Facebook Feed: Affect, Feminist Politics, and the 'Who Needs Feminism' Project"
Christina Lane (PhD)
H7: From Maverick to Muse: Gendering Creative Strategies in Independent Cinema
"That's My Story and I'm Sticking to It: Women Directors and the Art of Self-reinvention in a Changing Technological Landscape"
Kayti Lausch (MA)
C15: Into the Wild: Meditations on Humans, Animals, and the Natural World
"Living in an Amish Paradise: Reality Television and the Contemporary American Fantasy of the Amish"
Caroline Leader (MA)
G3: Color and Animation
"Good Hair: Animating Disney and Pixar’s Digital Princesses"
Hans-Martin Liebing (PhD)
J22: New Directions in Distribution Studies: Global Hollywood Revisited
"The Evolution and Proliferation of Chinese Blockbuster Films in the North American Market in the 21st Century"
Taylor Cole Miller (MA)
Q5: Incorporating Queerness
"Syndicated Queerness"
Cynthia Meyers (PhD)
P21: Broadcasting History, Misremembrance, and the Archival Record
"The Decline of Sponsorship and the Rise of Commercialism on 1960s TV"
Curran Nault (PhD)
- A2: Queer Media: The Gaze You Love to Hate
- "Curatorial Crisis: LGBT Film Festivals and the Demise of Gay"
Diane Negra (PhD)
P22: Re-Viewing Celebrity Politics
Kimberly Owczarski (PhD)
E6: Franchise Building and Management in a Multi-Platform Universe
"'We Don’t Restrict Ourselves to Just Making Murder Songs': Insane Clown Posse and Franchise Building Outside of the Mainstream"
Matthew Payne (PhD)
Q11: Playing Games with Character: Fictional Identities in the Digital Age
"On Becoming Lord British: Author as Character in the Ultima Franchise"
Ian Peters (MA)
G19: Playing Fans: Games and Fandom in Media Studies
"'Use the Force, Bob' – LARPing and Pedagogy in Themed Space Exhibitions"
Juan Pinon (PhD)
N7: Producing New Latinidades
"Hispanic Television and the Quest to reach the Tech Savvy, Bicultural and Bilingual, Latina/o ‘Millennial’ Audience"
Henry Puente (PhD)
J22: New Directions in Distribution Studies: Global Hollywood Revisited
"US Latino and Spanish Language Film Promotion and Distribution from 2010 – 2014"
Yeidy Rivero (PhD)
N7: Producing New Latinidades
"The Original Miami Sound Machine: The Emergence of Miami as a Production Center for the US and Latin America"
Kevin Sanson (PhD)
O19: WORKSHOP Media Industry Studies in the Classroom
T22: Remapping Creativity: Global Production Networks in Film, Television, and Games
"Local Hires, Global Work: Location Mangers in International Film and Television Production"
Avi Santo (PhD)
L7: The Logic of the Franchise – Managing Media Content in the Digital Economy
"Child's Play: Managing Children's Franchisable Lifestyles through Consumer Product Extensions"
Eric Schaefer (PhD)
O9: Queer Scandinavian Representations in Europe and Beyond (Respondent)
Jeffrey Sconce (MA)
I22: Data Drives: Encoded Subjects and the Cultural Fantasies of Information Processing (Respondent)
Dan Streible (PhD)
U21: WORKSHOP Mapping an Alternative Film History: Towards an Amateur Movie Database
Olivier Tchouaffe (PhD)
H6: Politics of the Image II: The Politics of Aesthetics
"Thoughts on Fiction, Conformity, Obedience, and Resistance in Jean-Pierre Bekolo’s The President (2013)."
David Uskovich (PhD)
G21: WORKSHOP Sound Work: Radio Production Cultures
Alyxandra Vesey (MA)
P10: Historicizing Music and Transmedia
"Mixing in Feminism: Playlists, Networks, and Counterpublics"
Kristen Warner (PhD)
J4: We’re Not Third Wave Just Yet: Reconsidering the Place of Identity and Fandom in 21st Century Fan Studies
"Their Ship Will Sail With or Without You, Julie Plec: Women of Color Bonnie Fans Versus The Vampire Diaries"
Lauren Weinzimmer (MA)
C16: Will the Real Ideology Please Stand Up?: Television's Reality Game
"With One Failure Comes Many More: Sustained Failure in MTV’s Teen Pregnancy Franchise’s Paratexts"